Monday, April 9, 2007

Modern Conveniences

While Tricia was nursing Zion yesterday she had the fun of reading a book I had in my yellow room. The name of the book is How to Bring Up a Baby A Hand Book for Mothers. This book was my grandmothers to be used for raising my mother who just turned 89 last week! It was put out by Procter and Gamble.
This is just one of the interesting statements we found in the book.
It is describing a modern convenience for bathing.
"A porcelain bath-tub with hot and cold water, a shower bath and a needle bath, in which tiny jets of water sting the skin into a ruddy glow, are desirable - When they can be had. Towels and Ivory Soap are indispensable additions to such luxuries.
Fortunately for those who can not afford a palatial bath room, it is not an absolute necessity for either health or comfort.
A square of oilcloth, rubber cloth, or table oilcloth, a good-sized basin and a pail of water can take its place without detriment. A cake of Ivory Soap is within reach of every mother and with this she can keep the skin of her children in perfect condition.
A somewhat more elaborate equipment consists of a portable tin or porcelain bath-tub, a washcloth or a piece of flannelette, a sponge, a cake of Ivory Soap, a bath thermometer and a couple of very soft towels.
The water should be soft and of a temperature of 95 degrees in winter and from 85 to 90 in summer. Satisfy yourself by the termometer that it is neither too hot or too cold."

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