Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Nail in The Tree Trunk

Recently during lunch a co-worker commented that her dad had a lemon tree that had never produced a lemon. I commented that he should drive a nail into the lower part of the trunk of the tree. Everyone started laughing at my comment(what else is new!).

I had read about that and asked about the reason behind that concept at my favorite nursery (Heartland Nursery) A young man there reminded me about how one gets a wisteria to start flowering once it quits. You dig around and "damage" the roots a little. The wisteria thinks it is going to die so it makes sure it produces flowers to reproduce itself. This would be what a nail on the lower part of the trunk would do to a fruit tree! I did put a nail into my papaya tree and yes, I have ONE yellowing papaya that I will probably pick next week and enjoy! I planted a seed from a papaya I bought at the store and the plant has been beautiful. However, I left it outside one night too long and it got frost and then shocked by coming inside. It has lost all its leaves and new ones have struggled coming in...but the fruit kept growing!

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