Monday, March 12, 2007

Castor Oil

The subject of infected eyes has come up several times recently. Because Castor oil (you find it with the laxatives) is a cathartic it draws out the infection. If I feel that my eyes are getting a sty or pink eye I start putting on the Castor oil and then cover my eyes with a nice hot wash cloth. It works!
My favorite Castor oil story is one that happened to Jonathan while he was in elementary school. He had something on his knee that looked to me like a boil. Knowing that if I took him to the doctor he would be put on antibiotics, I started using Castor oil with hot packs as that had once worked for a boil I had on my forehead. It was not working as well for Jonathan but I kept trying. We went to his great grandma's house where I was informed by relatives that it was not a boil, but rather a brown recluse bite! I felt like the worse mother in the world. I did take him to the doctor who confirmed the brown recluse bite. However, she did nothing for Jonathan telling me to continue to do what I was doing because it was working better than anything she could do for it!
Now, I am not saying you should not go to the doctor if you have a brown recluse bite! But, do add this to whatever they have you do! Jonathan's bite never did get to the bone...which on a knee is right there!
You will probably see other Castor oil advise show up later. I use it for other stuff!!!